Recurrent miscarriages is reffered to a condition in which the patient has 3 consecutive pregnancy losses before 20 weeks of pregnancy.

All women share a common dream of becoming a mother. Female fertility begins declining in the late 20’s;

The purpose of PGS is to increase the chance of becoming pregnant and lower the chance of miscarriage.

This is one big problem with infertility treatments that the couple often keeps facing.

When embryo grows upto day 5 or day 6, it is called Blastocyst. it is higher implantation rate (70%) as compared to 2/3 day embryo (45%)

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm In Vitro or outside the body, in a laboratory.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is one of the most commonly used Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) to treat infertility.

It is the production of an egg by a woman who has never produced an egg before or produces eggs infrequently.

Offering World – Class Infertility Treatment, Anant IVF Centre – is a Dedicated IVF Center Spreading Over 3500 sq. feet area making it one of the Best IVF Center Baroda city, India.

Experiencing the Glory of Parenthood is one of the Most Wonderful Feelings in this World and only those who Experience it can really know the joy of it.